
Valedictory Assembly and Graduation for Class 2016

It is always a sad time of year Winter Term, as we vale our wonderful Year 12 students and wish them well for the future.


They have been an outstanding group of mature students who have played an important role in setting high levels of academic commitment and values which depicted their utmost respect for Macquarie Grammar School.

On Thursday 22nd September at the Valedictory Assembly and Graduation, we honoured our Year 12 students for all their good work, presented them with a gift from the school and thanked their parents and the teachers for guiding them with their studies, throughout their school life. We also had the privilege of having Mr Elbanna who made the Special Address on behalf of the Year 12 parents and his words of wisdom I’m sure resonated well with the students. I thank him for making the time to be with us as he is an amazing motivational speaker.

On behalf of everyone at MGS, I wish our Year 12 students all the very best for the future and I’m sure their performance in the HSC will make them, their parents and us very proud.



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