
MGS Health Alert Coronavirus

Dear Parents and Students,

Re: Health Alert Coronavirus

A number of parents of our international students have contacted the school in reference to the Coronavirus emanating from China and what precautions the school is undertaking to safeguard our community from the virus when the students return this week. The school is monitoring the situation closely and is being guided and advised by the NSW Department of Health on what is the best precautionary practice for the school to implement.

The Federal Government has introduced procedures to ensure anyone who has contracted the virus is being detected upon arrival to Australia, at the airport. With the information available, the school is requesting the procedure below be followed, to safeguard our school community:

  • Students who are returning from China after spending time with their families during the holiday break should visit a doctor for a check-up and attain a medical clearance before returning to school on Wednesday the 29th January 2020.
  • If a student is from a city in China that is in lockdown, they should remain in that city until the Chinese Government provides clearance for the student to travel. When students are allowed to return to Australia to continue their studies, they are expected to catch up on the work that s/he has missed.
  • When sneezing or coughing, students are expected to cover their mouth or nose to protect other students from contracting the virus.
  • Wearing a mask is for a person who may have come in contact with someone that has contracted the virus and for medical staff who are treating a patient with the Coronavirus. Students may wear a mask if they wish and should wash their hands regularly as the virus is transferrable from one human to another.
  • Maintaining high levels of hygiene, eating well, getting enough rest and sleep will keep the body healthy. If students have not visited China during the holiday break they should attend school as usual and don’t require a medical clearance.

If a student feels unwell or has flu-like symptoms s/he should seek medical attention and remain at home until the doctor has cleared him/her to return to school.

The School is monitoring the information alerts from the Federal and State Departments of Health and AIS NSW, in case circumstances change and will act accordingly. Attached is a Fact Sheet in Chinese that our international Chinese parents can refer to for further information.
If you are uncertain as to the school’s advice, please don’t hesitate to contact the Student Services Officers on 02 8228 3022 and please refer to the Department of Health website for updates on the Coronavirus.
The staff and I are looking forward to the students returning to school this Wednesday 29th January at 8:30am to commence the new academic year.

Yours sincerely,
Mr Rekouniotis
Monday 27th January, 2020

MGS Alert Coronavirus

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