
HSC Results 2016

HSC Results 2016

I am pleased to report that our Year 12 students performed magnificently in the 2016 HSC. Bao Vu became our first All Rounder and Dux with an ATAR of 98.95 and almost all our students matriculated to university in 2017. The school was ranked 9th on the English Standard/ESL Merit list published in the SMH, 100% of our students that studied Japanese Beginners or Chinese Continuers were awarded a Band 6 and 100% of our Biology and Mathematics Extension 1 and 2 attained a Band E3 or E4.

Our students surpassed themselves with a performance that will be difficult to match in 2017. The school yet again was pleasantly surprised with its ranking within the top 100 schools, being placed 70th as published in the Better Education website. I would like to congratulate all our Year 12 students on what is a phenomenal performance and I wish them well with their future tertiary studies.

Our students successfully enrolled in the following universities

University of Sydney

Macquarie University

University of New South Wales

University of Western Sydney

University of Wollongong

RMIT University

International College of Management

Some of the courses that our students have been accepted into are:

  • Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Finance and Maths
  • Bachelor Engineering
  • bachelor of Law
  • Bachelor of Science


Mr. Rekouniotis- Headmaster

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