
20th Biennale of Sydney

The Biennale of Sydney takes place every second year and is Australia’s largest contemporary visual arts event, showcasing innovative and thought-provoking works from around the world. This year the exhibition titled, ‘The future is already here, it is just not evenly distributed’, reminds us of the privileges that we enjoy in Sydney, with access to information, the internet and other resources. The title also alludes to the way we communicate and how different spaces can be used as a new means of communication.

Cockatoo Island offers rich spaces steeped in history and was chosen as one of seven exhibition venues across Sydney, conceived as Embassies of Thought. Cockatoo Island transformed into the Embassy of the Real where local and international artists explored reality and our perception of it, in our increasingly digitised lives.

The large spaces inside and around the former convict settlement and shipyard facilitated a unique study of the virtual and the physical reality, through the breathtaking installations and multimedia artworks. The students and teachers enjoyed exploring the spaces and artworks around Cockatoo Island. Some thoughts from our students about their experience:

“The best experience was walking through the pendulums in William Forsyth’s artwork” Quella (12).

“Some of the artworks were so intriguing that we had to run back to see it again and again” Bao (12).

“It is fascinating to see a waterfall appearing through mapping and dotting” Jessica (10).

“It was unique” Raphael (7).

“It was a fun experience, I enjoyed immensely” Annelise (8).

“A day full of amazement and discovery” Tarin (11).


What a wonderful way to learn – immersed in art and bathed in brilliant sunshine!

Mrs Cawood- Visual Arts Teacher

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