
Annual Swimming Carnival

Annual Swimming Carnival

The Swimming Carnival was held at the Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre on Thursday 23 June and although the weather was not as sunny in the previous days, there was a very large turnout of competitors and spectators. Many students took the opportunity to sport their House colours as well as wearing some fancy dress costumes. The different House teams had a number of competitors and there was an exciting atmosphere as each House fought for top position.

Our congratulations go to all students who participated and Mr Green, who organised a very successful Swimming Carnival.

The Headmaster

Annual Swimming Carnival On Thursday the 23rd of June we had our Annual Swimming Carnival at Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre. It was a wonderful day for our student’s to show their swimming talents and for the student’s that were not competent swimmers to enjoy the vast array of novelty events.

An extended thank you to all of the staff for assisting in ensuring the day was safe and successful and to all of the student’s representing their House and for being very well behaved.

Congratulations Thorpe House for being 2016 Champions!We look forward to 2017 Annual Swimming Carnival with students breaking new school records.

Mr Green-Sports Master

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