
Year 8, NAPLAN School Readiness Test

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Re: School Readiness Test for NAPLAN 2020

In the week of the 10th through to the 12th September 2019, Macquarie Grammar School will be conducting the Schools’ Readiness Test in preparation for the 2020 NAPLAN examination. The process is to determine the readiness of the computing facilities for the compulsory online exam in 2020. Your child has been selected to participate in the Schools’ Readiness Test in 2019 in order to prepare for the Test in 2020.

The philosophy behind the on-line examination is one that emphasises the relevancy to the online learning environment to our current learners and includes aspects of motivational engagement that makes the testing procedure more interesting. Extensive research has been undertaken and the data obtained from such testing is more accurate and precise in the assessment of a student’s submission. Thus, facilitating a more reliable insight into the strengths and weaknesses of your child’s Literacy and Numeracy.

It is envisaged that significant gains are achievable for students after the examination performance through the analysis of the work samples submitted. In addition to the above advantages, the Schools’ Readiness Test will provide valuable practise at logging into and accessing the NAPLAN interface and lockdown browser for the NAPLAN testing in 2020.
The school welcomes any feedback or interest you may have in discussion of the Schools’ Readiness Test 2019. You are welcome to contact the school with any questions you may have pertaining to the Schools’ Readiness Test from the 10th to the 12th September 2019.

Mr Hagan
Director of Curriculum and Compliance
3rd September 2019

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